EHD/GPS Provider

Write a bond with us and no deposit for your GPS! Just $300 down for 30 days
Write a bond with us and no deposit for your GPS! Just $300 down for 30 days

No more ankle monitors; the new age of GPS tracking is here!

Confidential & Discreet


An Innovative and Effective GPS Monitoring System

Next Level GPS Monitoring Clayton, MO, specializes in advanced monitoring solutions, including GPS tracking and Electronic Home Detention (EHD). Our cutting-edge technology enables real-time monitoring of individuals under supervision and precise enforcement of home confinement orders. Our innovative and effective monitoring device – the GPS watch monitor - is discreet, comfortable, waterproof, and durable. With a commitment to innovation and tailored support, Next Level GPS Monitoring ensures the highest reliability and effectiveness in promoting public safety and offender accountability. 

How Can Our GPS Watch Monitors Be Used?

Bail bond release

State probation and parole

Sheriff/police pre-trial and probation departments

Federal, state, and local courts

Alternative to incarceration programs

Juvenile and adult programs

Juvenile corrections

Work release

House arrest

The Benefits of GPS Monitoring for Pre-Trial or Court-Ordered Purposes

  • Enhanced public safety: GPS monitoring helps authorities keep track of individuals who have been released on bail or awaiting trial, ensuring that they do not pose a threat to society.
  • Reduced recidivism: Studies have shown that GPS monitoring can reduce the likelihood of reoffending, as individuals are less likely to commit crimes when they know they are being monitored.
  • Cost-effective: GPS monitoring is often less expensive than keeping individuals in jail or prison, making it a more cost-effective option for the criminal justice system.
  • Increased accountability: GPS monitoring can help individuals stay on track with their court-ordered requirements, such as attending counseling or drug treatment programs.
  • Flexibility: GPS monitoring allows individuals to maintain their employment, education, and family responsibilities while awaiting trial or serving their sentence without being physically confined to a jail or prison.

For more information about our GPS watch monitors or our GPS monitoring process, call us today at 314-740-4766.

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