GPS Monitoring Process

What is GPS Monitoring?

GPS monitoring is a tracking system in which an individual awaiting trial or released on bail must wear an electronic monitoring device that uses GPS technology to track their movements. This system allows law enforcement officials to ensure that the individual is complying with the terms of their release and not violating any court orders or restrictions placed on them. Suppose the individual goes outside a designated area or violates other conditions. In that case, an alert is sent to the monitoring agency - Next Level GPS Monitoring in Clayton, MO. We can then take appropriate action. This system often ensures public safety and reduces flight risk or reoffending.

Our GPS Monitoring Process

Our GPS monitoring process varies depending on the specific requirements of the court or agency requesting the monitoring. However, our process generally involves the following steps:

  • Assessment: Next Level GPS Monitoring conducts an assessment to determine the specific needs of the defendant or individual who will be monitored. This includes determining the type of monitoring required, the required level (24/7 monitoring or periodic check-ins), and any other special requirements. 
  • Installation: We install the GPS watch monitor on the individual being monitored and provide instructions for installing the app on the individual’s smartphone.
  • Monitoring: Once the GPS watch monitor is installed, we begin monitoring the individual’s location or other specified activity. We may also alert the court or agency if the individual violates any pre-trial, court order, or bail bond release conditions.
  • Maintenance and support: We provide ongoing maintenance and support for the GPS watch monitor, including troubleshooting any issues and ensuring the device functions properly.

For more information about our GPS monitoring process, call us today at 314-740-4766.

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